Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Don't Be So Scared of What You Don't Know

Today is a rocking out in the kitchen, sauce making, learning to can kind of day.

The thing is...in light of recent events I am learning there is no waiting for the future. There is no, "I will learn tomorrow" or "I will give that a try sometime when there is more time."
What if you don't have a tomorrow? What if you run out of time?

I have always wanted to learn how to can; so today, I make sauce.


Four and a half hours later, I am pretty pleased how it turned out. I have 4 quarts and enough to make 4 more quarts if the tomatoes hold up until this weekend.
(Thank you to http://mygreatchallenge.blogspot.com/2012/08/easy-tomato-sauce-canning-instructions.html?m=1 for a guide to follow as I adventured into canning and saucemaking)

Tomorrow, I fashionista it up. Why not?