Saturday, August 9, 2014

Finding yourself one film at a time

Something I love about good movies: By the end, you are so self aware; vulnerable. It opens up something in your soul until you feel like the characters are playing out your life or maybe what you would like your life to be.
Tonight I sit and watch movies that inspire my soul. Movies that maybe are not Oscar winners but reach in and tug at my heart. Movies about being self aware, being proud of who you are, going for what you believe in, facing trails and coming out stronger than before.

Sometimes I yearn for the movie ending. I wonder why in movies I never see the day to day struggle to keep a positive attitude, the months and years where you just don't know where you fit in, everything seems so neat in the movies.

Of course the answer is simple. It is not real life, Someone has taken everything and squished into a neat little package. Maybe that is why I feel compelled to relate so deeply to the characters and take pieces of them to make myself. Sometimes I wonder if other people do that too. Or is this just my insecurities and lack of knowing who I am that I fill myself with created characters? Maybe I feel by taking those little pieces of those characters maybe my happy ending will be a little bit closer.

I am truly blessed. I have a great husband, supportive family, I am healthy, I have food, a job, and a beautiful home. But I am searching for something more, purpose. Maybe that is the purpose of movies and books to help you realize who you really are and what you are meant to be.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Don't Be So Scared of What You Don't Know

Today is a rocking out in the kitchen, sauce making, learning to can kind of day.

The thing light of recent events I am learning there is no waiting for the future. There is no, "I will learn tomorrow" or "I will give that a try sometime when there is more time."
What if you don't have a tomorrow? What if you run out of time?

I have always wanted to learn how to can; so today, I make sauce.


Four and a half hours later, I am pretty pleased how it turned out. I have 4 quarts and enough to make 4 more quarts if the tomatoes hold up until this weekend.
(Thank you to for a guide to follow as I adventured into canning and saucemaking)

Tomorrow, I fashionista it up. Why not?